Wednesday, May 24, 2006

American Idol 2

昨日は、最終予選の日。僕のお気に入りのKatharineと、最終予選に残ったもう1人のコンテスタントTaylorが3曲ずつ歌った。どの曲も熱演ですごく良かったが、Katharinの歌った“Somewhere Over The Rainbow(虹のかなたに)”(は最高だった。心に響く歌を歌えるアメリカ人のポップ歌手として、今回の結果に関わらずKatharinにはこれからも歌っていってもらいたいなあ。

It was the final round yesterday. Katharine, my favorite, and the other contestant Taylor sang three songs each. They sang everything very well, but especially "Somewhere Over The Rainbow"( sung by Katharine was the best. Whatever the result is, I hope she will continue singing as an American pop singer who sings to the audience's heart.
After the show, I finially voted twice for her, although the phone lines were busy for about one hour. I have been very excited and nervous about the result since this morning.

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